February 05, 2005

What if an elephant?

This morning, for no particular reason, I am in a fantastic mood. Just like I can wake up feeling bitchy and crabby, I can wake up feeling full of life and excitement.

It's almost sunny here - there's a haze to the air but above that a blue sky can be discerned. I took Kaya to the park and then the corner store for milk and met four people in the block between home, park and shop. They too seemed happy to be alive. My body feels great this morning - twinges in my knee are minimal and I feel healthy and well. Maybe my cold/flu has finally gone? All these reasons could contribute to my stellar mood, though I don't know the ultimate cause of the flood of feel-good juice flowing through my brain. And for once, I don't need to know; I am happy and satisfied with just feeling good.

Last night, I went to dinner with my father. My family has always called me Miss Enthusiasm because of my tendancy to excited jubilation. He said that when I was about three years old, I got very worked up and excited about something and said, "But ... but what if ... what if an ELEPHANT???"

And that's how I feel to day: What if an elephant?


e said...

else echindna.

keldog said...

i'm going to respond in english...