June 30, 2008


The challenge du jour is to incorporate the following into daily conversation:
1. Erinaceous: Like a hedgehog

2. Lamprophony: Loudness and clarity of voice

3. Depone: To testify under oath

4. Finnimbrun: A trinket or knick-knack

5. Floccinaucinihilipilification: Estimation that something is valueless.

6. Inaniloquent: Pertaining to idle talk

7. Limerance: An attempt at a scientific study into the nature of romantic love.

8. Mesonoxian: Pertaining to midnight

9. Mungo: A dumpster diver - one who extracts valuable things from trash

10. Nihilarian: A person who deals with things lacking importance (pronounce the ‘h’ like a ‘k’).

11. Nudiustertian: The day before yesterday

12. Phenakism: Deception or trickery

13. Pronk: A weak or foolish person

14. Pulveratricious: Covered with dust

15. Rastaquouere: A social climber

16. Scopperloit: Rude or rough play

17. Selcouth: Unfamiliar, rare, strange, marvelous, wonderful.

18. Tyrotoxism: To be poisoned by cheese

19. Widdiful: Someone who deserves to be hanged

20. Zabernism: The abuse of military power or authority.
From here.


e said...

The Lamprophony of the Widdiful Nihilarian while he Deponed his Floccinaucinihilipilification of the Pulveratricious Finnimbrun was hardly Selcouth, but instead Inaniloquent at best and akin to Tyrotoxism at the worst.

Bartlebee said...

Remind me never to play Scrabble/Scrabulous with you.