June 29, 2005

First Grade Math

Good lord, am I ever sick of looking at otoliths and counting rings! It's all I've been doing for a couple of weeks: counting. At this point, I think that I have proved my ability to count - well, at least to about 30. This is a good thing considering I turn 30 next year. It does not, however, bode well for any future birthdays - though getting stuck at 30 can't be a bad thing.

I can even count repeatedly for hours at a time while leaning over a computer and pointing at lines on the screen. How I highlight this valuable skill on my resume beats me. Perhaps it goes under the section, "Ability to apply first grade mathematics"?

And to think that I turned down another project (one that has since received much funding) because it required that I watch video footage in a dark room. That's right, I didn't want to spend hours in a darkened room. Instead, I took on a project that involves spending hours and hours and hours in a darkened room crouched over a screen. This has lovely side effects like waking up this morning feeling as if someone had been pummeling me in the back all night. (Z, do we need to talk?)

It's enough to drive a woman completely mad. Raving mad. Loony. Nutsy cookoo.

In other counting news, I am so much happier now that I have only two things on my plate. Yes, wedding + thesis is quite manageable. Wedding + thesis + coursework + middle school is not, as it turns out, a feasible work load. Well, it's possible to do it all but at a cost of sanity, vivacity, and happiness. Not quite the price I want to pay as I am of the opinion that sanity + vivacity + happiness = good life. And I would like to have a good life, thank you very much.

In other very happy news I found a pair of shoes for the wedding. As pottyparty pointed out, this is more of an accomplishment than finding a dress. Not only do the shoes work with the dress, but I also happen to really like them. And they fit. Added bonus that last part.

And now, back to the one ... two ... three ... four ...


1 comment:

e said...

you should just count every other one. that way you only have to count to fifteen. see, isn't that easier?