March 06, 2007

I agree

Confession time: I talk to myself. You're probably not surprised because you most likely talk to yourself, too. Recently, however, I've caught myself agreeing with myself. As in:

- I think I should have sushi for lunch today.
- I agree.

I miss the days of simple internal monologues. This feels a few steps closer to clinical. And what happens if I start disagreeing with myself? That could get ugly.

I've also recently had to come to terms with the fact that I have very little intuitive sense of left and right. At 31 years of age, I still need (and I do mean need) to look at my palms and spell out the "L" for left. This is difficult to do while driving, which is why I need my directions to be littered with large gestures.

And I'm getting a PhD?

- Who's idea was that?
- Well, it wasn't mine.


Evil Genuis @StandBy4MindCtl said...

i think you might be barmy in the crumpet.

i agree.

e said...

just remember: you look at the L on the left hand, but use the L on the right hand when you need to put it to your forehead.

keldog said...

hmmm.. is it only me who thinks the L looks correct on *either* hand?

either way, i have to visually picture where i am going, where i am turning and then make a move.

yesterday that move put me in the opposite lane of traffic.


Bartlebee said...

no keldog, it's not just you. and while this offers some relief, it does make me worry about both of us. should we be allowed to drive?