January 09, 2007

Proof that moving countries is hard even when you allegedly speak the language

Exhibit A: The following conversation, which ensued after I pulled my morning snack from my bag.

Colleague: Oooh! What’s that?

Me: A scone.

Colleague: But what’s wrong with it?

Me: What do you mean, what’s wrong with it? Nothing’s wrong with it. It’s a scone.

Colleague (poking scone): But it’s so flat.

Me: Aren't scones supposed to be flat?

Colleague: No they're not.

Me: They are in the States.

Colleague: They’re not over here.

Me: Then what do you call what I'm eating?

Colleague: I dunno. Is it a muesli slice?

Me: What’s a muesli slice?

Colleagues: A slice with muesli in it.

Me (under breath): Well that's helpful.

Colleague: That has muesli in it, doesn't it?

Me: No, just oats.

Colleague (looking at me like I'm a moron): Right. So, it has muesli in it.

Me: Yeah?

Colleagues: So it's a muesli slice.

Me: Of course. How could I be so silly? Why yes of course this is a muesli slice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That reminds me...I was trying to explain "dints" to someone recently, and I realized that I've forgotten what a "dint" is, exactly. Please to enlighten!