April 24, 2007

Plastic crap

We have been trying unsuccessfully for the past few months to get a credit card. My credit rating in the States is good enough to get me a card with a $28,000 limit, but here no-one will even consider my applications. So, we got a debit card instead. Yes that's right: our bank account came with an ATM card only; the debit card is extra. Do you remember the last time you saw an ATM card without a credit card logo on it? Me neither. When the cards arrived, Z called up and activated them. Yay! We can now do things like make on-line purchases and order concert tickets. Today I used my card for the first time to make a reservation at a house down near Wilson's Prom. Like all my credit card applications, my little debit card was rejected. A little panicky, I checked our account and found it adequately stocked with moola. So I called the bank to find out what was going on. I was informed that I hadn't linked the card to my account.

Say what???

Yes folks, it's true. The bank sent me a card, allowed me to activate the card, but never connected the card to any money thereby making the card a completely useless piece of plastic taking up space in my wallet.


Gala Darling said...

What a joke. Australia REALLY bothers me sometimes.

Unknown said...

Wait, you're going to the prom?

Take pictures!

jason s said...

That's okay, you really don't want one anyway. Eventually they just get tossed out and then some poor dolphin gets a credit card stuck in her blow hole, which makes the air coming out whistle in a weird way that makes all the other dolphins laugh and make fun of her.

You don't want to do that to the dolphins do you?

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's similar here in NZ. I think they got it from the Australians

Francis said...

hey, i'm new to your blog, just visiting. btw, about the post, i feel really sorry for you. those banker idiots. if u think about it, it seems a bit diliberate. lol. visit: www.misterpunk.blogspot.com, and www.xanga.com/forensicman